Felipe M. - 9A


This goal of this project was to make a portrait of ourselves. To create this portrait I used a picture of me taken, glue, scissors, pencil, eraser and a blank sheet of paper. Besides this I also used the technique of shading. 

When I worked on the project, my strength was that i could use shading very effectively but the major weakness i had was to paint the eye. It was difficult for me and I tried various times, but at the end i got it right. This project was one of the bests in the school year, I had fun doing it.


The main goal of this project was to make a collage about ourselves. We included pictures of us and other stuff. To create it i used multiple items and instruments. A computer, markers, creativity, memories, ideas, pencil, plastic and colors. 

My major weakness in this project was how to choose the pictures, i had a little trouble choosing those pictures out of the whole library. My strength was to paint and organize the pictures well. Another project i really liked, when it is about ourselves, anyone could do anything.


The sketches during this year had been fun to do because we can draw whatever we want. The sketches were made of whatever we could use to make it. Creativity is the thing I most use. 

Sometimes i had the weakness of not being sure what to draw and the strength was everything else like details, etc. My best drawing for me this year was the one below/right. I was very detailed and I stayed up the whole day doing it, but i was very satisfied at the end. The sketches have been really fun to do.

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